Tuesday, April 28, 2009

post-something depression (probably caused by the recession...he he..rhyming...)

things i realized over the weekend (and some sidelights):

- Celine Dion is (was) my all time favorite artist; I watched her A New Day... performance and was awed. Or maybe awed is the understatement of the year.

- Celine Dion is my all time favorite artist; I was browsing through my aged autographs back in gradeschool, and there, written all over, was her name, Celine Dion, Favorite Singer.

- Celine Dion is my all time favorite artist; most especially because she sang "My Heart Will Go On" which happens to be the love theme of the film Titanic, which I watched 7 times in theatres back in 1998. (the first time I watched it, in Megamall, last full show, forgetting that the next day was my high school entrance exam in UST high. I got accepted though. My last name was the only one listed under letter "R")

- Celine Dion is my all time favorite artist; and after watching A New Day..., i realized I was having my post-Celine Dion depression.

- And I realized, after recognizing it, that whenever I get the chance to watch something extravagant, spectacular and "too big for my eyes" performances, I get depressed. I dunno how a post-partum depression feels but I bet it's somehow similar (hihee)...

- that I also had post-Loren Legarda depression, post-Meryl Streep depression, post-Mamma Mia depression, post-Sisterhood-of-the-Travelling-Pants-because-of-the-Santorini-location depression, post-EDSA-One-file-footage watching depression, post-Hacienda-Luisita-massacre-footage-watching depression...

haaay...how the great psychotic mind works...

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