Sunday, July 5, 2009

just wen nobody wears orange on friday anymore… January 27th, 2006

nobody wears orange in up tacloban on fridays anymore(please check my grammar). orange has acquired a different meaning in up tacloban ever since clockwork orange was launched, the so called staunchest defender of democracy and justice in the poor little college of tacloban. for several weeks, protesters have worn this color to show sympathy for the struggle of this network. but now, not even the fantastic four, mam merl, sir vic, mam joycie and mam dulz can hardly be seen in orange on fridays, these days.

what have happened? did the passion burn out alredi? what happened to the promise they once said to protect the democracy in this college? where have those words gone? where they eventually silenced by the threats? or have they finally realized that the system is just to rotten already that nothing can be saved anymore, not even scraps.

too bad its wrong. nobody wears orange anymore because we chose to bring out the colors we used to wear, not only orange. we chose to color it more vividly as we strengthen the fight we once started. orange will still be orange. but with the outcome of our struggle, red, blue, yellow, pink, green and many other colors are incorporated, to make an even lasting impression to the mind. we may be just a tint in the sky called UP, but somehow, we started it all. once upon a time, there was a group of crazy people who tried to test tyranny and oppression. and they won…well, not immediately but eventually.

i love orange. i really do.

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